The effect
function is the last piece that makes everything reactive. When you access a signal inside its callback function, that signal and every dependency of said signal will be activated and subscribed to. In that regard it is very similar to computed(fn)
. By default all updates are lazy, so nothing will update until you access a signal inside effect
import 'package:signals/signals.dart';
final name = signal("Jane");final surname = signal("Doe");final fullName = computed(() => name.value + " " + surname.value);
// Logs: "Jane Doe"effect(() => print(fullName.value));
// Updating one of its dependencies will automatically trigger// the effect above, and will print "John Doe" to the console.name.value = "John";
You can destroy an effect and unsubscribe from all signals it was subscribed to, by calling the returned function.
import 'package:signals/signals.dart';
final name = signal("Jane");final surname = signal("Doe");final fullName = computed(() => name.value + " " + surname.value);
// Logs: "Jane Doe"final dispose = effect(() => print(fullName.value));
// Destroy effect and subscriptionsdispose();
// Update does nothing, because no one is subscribed anymore.// Even the computed `fullName` signal won't change, because it knows// that no one listens to it.surname.value = "Doe 2";
Cleanup Callback
You can also return a cleanup function from an effect. This function will be called when the effect is destroyed.
import 'package:signals/signals.dart';
final s = signal(0);
final dispose = effect(() { print(s.value); return () => print('Effect destroyed');});
// Destroy effect and subscriptionsdispose();
On Dispose Callback
You can also pass a callback to effect
that will be called when the effect is destroyed.
import 'package:signals/signals.dart';
final s = signal(0);
final dispose = effect(() { print(s.value);}, onDispose: () => print('Effect destroyed'));
// Destroy effect and subscriptionsdispose();