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AsyncState is class commonly used with Future/Stream signals to represent the states the signal can be in.


AsyncState is the default state if you want to create a AsyncSignal directly:

final s = asyncSignal(;
s.value = AsyncState.loading(); // or AsyncLoading();
s.value = AsyncState.error('Error', null); // or AsyncError();


AsyncState is a sealed union made up of AsyncLoading, AsyncData and AsyncError.


Sometimes you need to await a signal value in a async function until a value is completed and in this case use the .future getter.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.loading());
s.value =;
await s.future; // Waits until data or error is set


Returns true if the future has completed with an error or value:

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.loading());
s.value =;
print(s.isCompleted); // true


Returns true if a value has been set regardless of the state.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.loading());
print(s.hasValue); // false
s.value =;
print(s.hasValue); // true


Returns true if a error has been set regardless of the state.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.loading());
print(s.hasError); // false
s.value = AsyncState.error('error', null);
print(s.hasError); // true


Returns true if the state is refreshing with a loading flag, has a value or error and is not the loading state.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.loading());
print(s.isRefreshing); // false
s.value = AsyncState.error('error', null, isLoading: true);
print(s.isRefreshing); // true
s.value = AsyncData(1, isLoading: true);
print(s.isRefreshing); // true


Returns true if the state is reloading with having a value or error, and is the loading state.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.loading());
print(s.isReloading); // false
s.value = AsyncState.loading(data: 1);
print(s.isReloading); // true
s.value = AsyncState.loading(error: ('error', null));
print(s.isReloading); // true


Force unwrap the value of the state and throw an error if it has an error or is null.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(;
print(s.requireValue); // 1


Return the current value if exists.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(;
print(s.value); // 1 or null


Return the current error if exists.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.error('error', null));
print(s.error); // 'error' or null


Return the current stack trace if exists.

final s = asyncSignal<int>(AsyncState.error('error', StackTrace(...)));
print(s.stackTrace); // StackTrace(...) or null


If you want to handle the states of the signal map will enforce all branching.

final signal = asyncSignal<int>(;
data: (value) => 'Value: $value',
error: (error, stackTrace) => 'Error: $error',
loading: () => 'Loading...',


If you want to handle some of the states of the signal maybeMap will provide a default and optional overrides.

final signal = asyncSignal<int>(;
data: (value) => 'Value: $value',
orElse: () => 'Loading...',

Pattern Matching

Instead of map and maybeMap it is also possible to use dart switch expressions to handle the branching.

final signal = asyncSignal<int>(;
final value = switch (signal.value) {
AsyncData<int> data => 'value: ${data.value}',
AsyncError<int> error => 'error: ${error.error}',
AsyncLoading<int>() => 'loading',