All signals are synchronous but data can be computed asynchronously.
Streams and Futures are the most common async signals, but sometimes you need to compute a value asynchronously and react to changes on input signals.
Async Computed is syntax sugar around FutureSignal.
Inspired by computedAsync from Angular NgExtension.
computedAsync takes a callback function to compute the value of the signal. This callback is converted into a Computed signal.
Any signal that is read inside the callback will be tracked as a dependency and the computed signal will be re-evaluated when any of the dependencies change.
Async Computed is syntax sugar around FutureSignal.
Inspired by computedFrom from Angular NgExtension.
computedFrom takes a list of signals and a callback function to compute the value of the signal every time one of the signals changes.
Since all dependencies are passed in as arguments there is no need to worry about calling the signals before any async gaps with await.